
At the 区域运输区, the safety and security of our riders is a top priority. Our system-wide safety plan encompasses safety topics related to RTD's operations, 我们的乘客, 司机, 骑自行车的人和行人. 作为大都市区社区的重要成员, RTD一直致力于创造一个更安全的交通环境.

火车和公共汽车总是在移动, it is important to educate our riders and the public about the importance of safety on and around our transit system. RTD于2010年启动了安全合作伙伴计划, 哪个是RTD员工之间的合作成果, passengers and the public to create awareness of safety issues and take actions to promote a safer environment around our buses, 火车, 轨道和交叉路口.

  • 始终佩戴合适的头盔,并牢牢扣紧帽带.
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic and follow traffic signs and signals.
  • 不要在骑车时使用电子产品——它们会让人分心.
  • 注意打开车门和其他危险.
  • 穿颜色鲜艳的衣服.
  • Stand a safe distance from the curb and stay clear of the bus until it has stopped.
  • 永远不要追逐或撞上行驶中的公共汽车.
  • 任何时候都要坚持,因为可能会突然停止.
  • 在接近车站的时候保持坐着.
  • 不要大声说话或制造噪音,以免分散司机的注意力.
  • 眼睛抬起来,电话放下. 从手机上抬起头来,集中注意力——不要分心!
  • Wear bright colors or reflective clothing if you are walking near traffic at night.
  • 穿过繁忙的街道时,与司机进行眼神交流.
  • Cross at intersections or crosswalks, not in the middle of the road or between parked cars.


  • 小心缝隙. 上下火车时要注意脚下.
  • Train doors close automatically; stand clear and listen for the warning chime.
  • Take time to review the Emergency Procedure signs posted in each train car.
  • 在紧急情况下, notify the train operator using the emergency intercom at either end of the train.


  • 只在指定的十字路口过马路,并遵守交通规则.
  • Never walk or bike along the 跟踪; it is illegal and dangerous.
  • Look both ways before crossing the 跟踪--火车 can travel from either direction at any time.
  • 当你在火车周围或轨道附近时,请摘下耳机.


  • 任何时候都要站在黄线后面.
  • 千万不要坐在月台边缘,也不要触摸火车的外部.
  • 如果你的东西掉在轨道上,不要试图取回它.
  • 在站台上走,不要跑. 如果你错过了一趟火车,就等下一趟.


  • 早点去旅行. 公共汽车只在交通状况允许的情况下行驶.
  • 往后站. 公共汽车驶近路边时,可能会在雪地里打滑.
  • Make yourself visible to an approaching bus especially on dark winter mornings.
  • 公共汽车的台阶因下雪而变滑. 上车前先把鞋上的雪踢掉. 走扶手,慢慢来.
  • 穿暖和点,多穿一层. Even a short wait at your stop can be dangerous if you're not dressed for the weather.
  • 还记得, your driver is doing his or her best to ensure you arrive at your destination despite bad road conditions.


  • 尽管冬天的天气不应该减慢火车的旅行时间, 考虑早点出发,以确保及时到达.
  • 冬天在平台上要小心. Walk slowly and stay away from the platform edge until the train completely stops.
  • 下雪的地板会很滑. 上车前把鞋上的雪踢掉.


A. 每个方向都能看到1/4英里的地方

B. 只在指定的过境地点使用

C. 任何看不到"禁止入内"标志的地方

D. 过铁轨从来都不安全

答:B. 只有在指定的十字路口穿越铁轨才安全. 其他任何地方都是不安全的,也是非法的. Always follow safety signage and obey warning devices like flashing red lights and gate arms.

A. Inspect the bag to see if electrical wires, switches, or electronic devices are sticking out

B. 大声喊叫,警告其他人潜在的威胁

C. 试着找到包的主人

D. 撤离该区域,并立即向RTD运输观察站报告行李

答:D. 如果你看到一个无人看管的包或物品,看起来不寻常或可疑, 撤离该地区,并立即通知当局. 不要试图检查或移动包. Contact the transit police through the RTD’s 运输手表 app available on Android and iOS.

A. 慢下来,小心地通过公共汽车

B. 停止直到闪烁的红灯不再工作

C. 继续驾驶,并按喇叭警告过往行人

D. 向上看,这样你就可以尽快穿过这个区域

答:B. You must stop at least 20 feet before reaching a stopped school bus with flashing red lights whether it is on your side of the road, 在路的对面, 或者在十字路口. You must remain stopped until the flashing red lights are no longer operating. Watch carefully for children near the school bus and children crossing the roadway before proceeding.

A. 在接近车站的时候保持坐着

B. 上下车时请使用扶手

C. 当车辆行驶时,如果站立,请始终抓住

D. Leave your luggage sitting in the aisle to make room for passengers to sit

答:D. Placing large items in the aisle is a safety hazard that prevents passengers from quickly evacuating the bus during an emergency. 携带大件物品的健全旅客, 比如行李, 杂货店球童, and strollers must sit behind the bus Wheelchair Securement and Priority Seating areas and position their items so they are out of the aisle.

A. 穿过繁忙的街道时,与司机进行眼神交流

B. 从你的手机上抬起头,集中注意力

C. 不要在马路中间或停着的汽车中间过马路

D. 以上都是

答:D. 行人保持警惕是很重要的, 注意周围环境,遵守交通标志和信号. Stay visible to drivers at all times and make eye contact with them whenever possible. Pedestrians and drivers both share the responsibility of keeping themselves and others on the road safe.


Our partners at the Denver Police Department are committed to reducing auto thefts in Denver with their DenverTrack program. DenverTracks works with vehicle GPS systems to track stolen vehicles in real time. 如欲了解更多及登记车辆, 点击这里.


  • 400多名安保人员 为您服务.
  • 300小时以上 经过专门的操作员培训,可以操作任何车辆.
  • 两个调度中心 with 911 certified operators who can connect you with emergency response resources whenever needed.
  • 超过12000台摄像机 across our stations to deter criminal activity and secure footage to aid in investigations.






  • 烟雾和一氧化碳探测器可以拯救生命. These detectors should be tested every month and batteries replaced at least once a year.
  • HEPA air purifiers and HVAC air filters – HEPA or high efficiency particulate air systems help eliminate small particles from the air in your home, 哪些对季节性过敏的人有帮助. HVAC filters should be replaced on a regular basis to keep your HVAC system running efficiently. 炉子过滤器和空调过滤器促进健康生活.
  • Check your medicine cabinet and first aid kits for outdated medications that should be properly disposed of, 或者检查需要补充的物品,比如创可贴, 抗菌软膏, 退烧或止痛剂.
  • Visually inspect your home for water leaks or mold which can grow in cold, 在你家周围黑暗潮湿的地方. Mold can cause a variety of health issues from mild irritations to serious illnesses.
  • 春季大扫除是一项累人的工作. 当你累的时候不要匆忙或继续工作. 还记得 to take breaks, drink lots of water, and rest instead of being unsafe.
  • 搬运大件家具和电器时要小心. Use the proper lifting technique and find someone for assistance for items too large for one person to move.
  • Be safe on ladders and step sTools - having someone available to hold the ladder steady is good rule of thumb.
  • 为了防止火灾危险,清洁干燥机通风口和烟囱烟道.
  • 保持楼梯,消除绊倒的危险, 登陆, 走道上没有箱子, 包和其他杂物.
  • Always follow cleaning product labels, safety instructions and recommendations.
  • 清洁有灰尘的地方时戴上口罩.
  • Put away all cleaning supplies when done as a preventative measure around children and pets.
  • 重新评估你家的安全. 检查所有窗户是否有锁和纱窗, 所有入口都要锁好,包括车库门. 车库门代码应定期更换. 安全窗井, 狭窄空间, 门廊, 甲板和围栏确保你的院子对你来说是安全的, 孩子和宠物. 确保大门上的锁是安全的. Install lighting and motion sensors, especially for back entrances that aren’t visible to the public.
  • An overall home inspection and necessary maintenance will keep your home safe for years to come