澳博体育app通过连接让生活更美好, whether that is connecting a customer with their final destination or the connections that happen with others on the system. 支持所有类型的连接, RTD要求其客户遵循一套名为“尊重骑行”的行为准则.

尊重骑行的重点是提供一个安全, 方便, 为所有顾客带来愉快的体验, 同时也阻止破坏性或反社会行为.



RTD努力确保每个人都得到公平对待,并有平等的机会乘坐交通Tools. 为了提供安全, 方便, 和所有人的安慰, RTD has established this 行为准则 (Code) setting forth rules prohibiting certain conduct that may adversely affect use, 操作, 或租用即时运输车辆(包括即时运输巴士), Access-a-Ride车辆, FlexRide车辆, 轻轨车辆, 和通勤轨道车辆), 设施(包括公共汽车站和火车站), 停车设施, 公交车站, 公交候车亭, 广场和喷泉, 和行政, 操作, 及维修设施), 或财产.

执行前, RTD将尽一切努力首先就本守则所禁止的行为对个人进行教育. 然而, 任何从事违禁行为的人都可能受到口头或书面警告不等的强制执行, 立即暂停, 或刑事传票(见第5节:“执行”)。.

Conduct prohibited by this Code is subject to reasonable modification under the Americans with Disabilities Act (see Section 4: “The ADA and Reasonable Modification”).


本行为准则最初于12月20日获得批准, 2016, ,并于七月二十一日修订, 2020, 6月27日, 2023.


尊重骑行的重点是提供一个安全, 方便, 为所有顾客带来愉快的体验, 同时也阻止破坏性或反社会行为. 禁止个人犯罪, 试图提交, 或协助任何其他人或多人犯罪, 在研发车辆内或其上有下列行为, 设施, 或财产.


  1. 在未预先支付适当票价的情况下,进入任何已支付票价的区域.
  2. 未能持有或购买有效车票而使用捷运服务. Riding an RTD vehicle without proper fare or complying with RTD fare payment man年龄ment systems (including but not limited to failure to obtain and keep evidence of payment such as transfers and tickets; failure to validate a mobile ticket; and failure to tap smart card media in accordance with RTD procedures.
  3. Failing to obey any request from RTD to stand behind warning strips (including yellow tactile strips) or within other safe locations on RTD vehicles 或财产.
  4. 在票价介质过期或到达最终目的地后未能退出RTD车辆.
  5. 未经授权进入任何RTD车辆、设施或财产.
  6. 未经授权进入任何不向公众开放的RTD物业.
  7. Crossing RTD rail tracks at any location other than at a traffic- or pedestrian-controlled intersection or at a designated pedestrian crossing.
  8. 违反RTD设施供应商许可证或使用许可证的条款或未能按要求拥有RTD设施供应商许可证或使用许可证. 商业活动和某些其他活动, 例如, 涉及使用设备或可能吸引大量人群的,需要这样的执照或许可证.


  1. 吸烟或吸任何物质,包括但不限于烟草(如《澳博体育app》所定义), 或者使用咀嚼烟草, 在任何RTD车辆上或在任何禁区内. 本条所指的“禁区”包括:
    1. 州或地方法律禁止吸烟的任何RTD设施或财产.
    2. 任何室内RTD设施.
    3. 任何张贴“禁止吸烟”标志的户外或封闭RTD设施或物业.
    4. 室内RTD设备主入口或门口半径15英尺内的区域.
  2. Consuming any alcoholic bever年龄 or marijuana or possessing an open container of any alcoholic bever年龄 or marijuana in or on any RTD vehicle, 设施, 或财产.
  3. 将打开的食物或饮料容器带入配送车辆. 食品必须保存在密封或可再密封的容器中, 饮料必须密封或放在防溅容器中. 只有在医学上有必要的情况下,才允许在任何RTD车辆上进食.
  4. 在RTD车辆或物业派发或张贴传单, 或停在RTD物业内的车辆, 除非RTD另有授权 设施使用政策.
  5. 乱扔垃圾(包括故意洒出食物或液体).


  1. Engaging in disruptive behavior that materially interferes with other customers utilizing or accessing RTD services or materially interferes with RTD personnel performing official duties.
  2. 从事骚扰、性骚扰或欺凌行为的. 这包括攻击性行为, 不受欢迎的性行为, 或虐待, 性别歧视:因性别而对某个人进行的重复行为, 比赛, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 婚姻状况, 性取向, 性别认同, 怀孕, 祖先, 年龄, 军事地位, 残疾, 遗传信息, 或其他受法律保护的身份.
  3. 使用暴力的、亵渎的或有意破坏和平的语言. 这包括打架的话或威胁性的语言,导致客户, RTD的员工, 或RTD承包商担心他们的安全.
  4. Operating any device used to listen to music or other sound (other than a mobile phone when being used for communications) without earphones or at such a loudness level that the sound still causes a disturbance.
  5. 使用喇叭或类似装置故意扰乱交通服务或公共安全的.
  6. 引诱或以其他方式与任何其他人进行不受欢迎的谈话,而该等人是俘虏观众(i).e.(在排队或乘车时).
  7. 从事未经授权的活动 设施使用政策.


  1. 将任何动物带入RTD室内设施, onto a vehicle or within a fare paid area unless: (1) the animal is intended and trained to assist a person with a 残疾; (2) the animal is in training to assist a person with a 残疾; or (3) the animal is in an appropriate animal carrier (including locked, (区域巴士车厢地板下行李架内的标准商用货柜). All animals must have proof of current vaccinations required by the local jurisdictions in which the animals are traveling.
  2. 妨碍残障人士使用交通服务所需的设施,如坡道, 电梯, 指定座位区, 还有高高的积木.
  3. Possessing or transporting large items that restrict the reasonable and safe movement of customers on or around transit vehicles and facilities.
  4. 拥有或运输易燃液体的, 易燃材料, 或汽油等其他危险物品或物质, 煤油, 或丙烷, 包括在容器或机器中.
  5. 携带任何武器, 危险Tools(包括但不限于弹簧刀), 重力刀, 盒刀, 刮胡刀, 未包覆或未包覆的刀片, 或剑), 或者任何其他用作武器的物品, 除非在法律授权的范围和方式内. Legal firearms may be carried if they are unloaded and carried in an enclosed container that completely conceals the item from view and identification as a weapon. This paragraph does not apply to law enforcement personnel or to persons to whom a concealed-carry license for such weapon has been duly issued and is in force.
  6. 写作, 标记, 涂鸦, 丑化, 或以任何方式对任何RTD车辆或财产造成破坏.
  7. 在座位有限的情况下,故意占据RTD车辆或设施的一个以上座位. This section is subject to ADA reasonable modification; see Code Section IV.
  8. Entering or remaining in an RTD vehicle or 设施 while so significantly and severely impaired by the consumption of alcohol or the use of drugs that the customer is unable to safely use RTD’s transportation services. 躺在地板、长凳、平台、楼梯、平台、地面或交通Tools上的.
  9. 未经许可露营.
  10. 未经许可存放个人财物(使用交通Tools时,指定区域如自行车储物柜/行李架除外).
  11. 占用或横穿景观区(供公众使用的草坪除外)的.
  12. 阻碍、妨碍安全、方便登机的, 退出, 或者使用过道, 电梯, 自动扶梯, 通路, 门, 或楼梯. Interfering with the 操作s or facilities maintenance in a way that poses a danger or unreasonably impedes a customer’s movement (subject to ADA reasonable modification; see Code Section 4.
  13. 未能按要求清理指定的轮椅/移动设备区.
  14. Occupying or remaining on RTD property where the totality of the circumstances indicates that an individual is not using RTD services, 承包合法业务, 参与受保护言论, 或者行使一项基本权利.
  15. 拔掉已经在RTD车辆或设施中使用的数据或电源插头.


  1. 玩滑板, 直排或轮滑, 自行车, 踏板车, 赛格威, hoverboard, or other wheeled personal transportation device (unless used as a mobility aid for an individual with a 残疾) in or on any RTD vehicle, 设施, 或财产. 允许使用婴儿车、非骑自行车和非跨骑自行车以及带轮子的行李.
  2. 将自行车放置在指定位置以外的任何RTD车辆上,或不在自行车旁边停留.
  3. 以不安全的方式使用任何轮式设备,可能对他人造成伤害.


  1. 在洗手间洗澡或洗衣服.
  2. 未使用指定的利器弃置容器弃置利器废物.
  3. 不穿鞋, 衬衫/上衣, and pants/shorts/skirts on or in any RTD vehicle or 设施 (subject to ADA reasonable modification; see Code Section 4).
  4. 将鞋子/脚放在RTD设施或车辆的任何座位上.
  5. 随地吐痰或故意用液体弄脏任何座位或其他区域(指定的垃圾箱除外), 土壤, 油脂, 油, 食物, 垃圾, 尿液, 粪便, 体液, 或者其他物质.
  6. 令人讨厌的:故意制造一种极端的、不可避免的令人讨厌的气味,从而造成滋扰的, 不合理地干扰使用, 操作, 或享用RTD车辆或设施, 或造成直接威胁或不安全状况. (subject to ADA reasonable modification; see Code Section 4).
  7. 公开裸露或暴露性器官的.


  1. 违反联邦法律的任何违法行为, 状态, 或者当地法律, 条例, 或法规, including but not limited to assault; menacing; theft; possession of illegal drugs; counterfeiting; 垃圾ing; vandalism; hindering public transportation (CRS 18-9-114); and endangering public transportation (CRS 18-9-115).
  2. 未能遵守RTD员工或代表提出的与RTD运营政策相关的合理要求.


根据美国残疾人法案(ADA), 运输实体必须对其政策作出合理的修改, 实践, 以及避免歧视的程序,并确保他们的项目对残疾人无障碍. 按照这个指令, RTD将尽一切努力, 尽最大可能, 确保残障人士有机会使用, 并从中获益, 它的服务.

RTD将对其政策进行合理修改, 项目, and procedures applicable to its transportation services when necessary to avoid discrimination and ensure accessibility for people with disabilities.

在某些情况下,RTD的政策和程序可能无法达到ADA的目标/可及性. A modification to these policies and procedures may be needed to ensure that a passenger with a 残疾 has access to our services.

合理修改的例子可以在RTD的网站上找到 可访问性. 在为残疾人士作出合理的修改时, 该修改并非旨在:

  • 对他人的健康和安全造成直接威胁的;
  • 造成不必要的财政和行政负担;
  • 对服务进行根本性的改变;
  • 提供对RTD服务的平等访问是必要的.

任何有关合理修改的问题或疑虑应直接向RTD的民权司提出, ADA经理办公室: 303-299-2221.



RTD will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act in the administration of this 行为准则.

如果出现违反本行为准则的情况或声称是由残疾引起的, RTD人员应联系调度或安全咨询和协助.

执法工作将以公平合理的方式进行. A person who eng年龄s in any of the above prohibited conduct (Section III) may be warned and/or ordered to immediately exit the RTD vehicle, 设施, 或者是执法人员的财产, 一个RTD过境安全官员, RTD巴士/轻轨/通勤铁路线路主管, 或其他经授权的RTD人员. Such personnel are authorized to issue an order to the person to exit RTD property for up to the remainder of the service day.

拒绝离开RTD车辆的情况, 设施, 或者在被命令这样做之后的财产可能被视为非法侵入,并可能被移交执法人员.

从事上述被禁止行为之一的,也可以, 或相反, 被RTD勒令停牌, 禁止该人员乘坐所有RTD车辆, 属性, 根据RTD的服务暂停政策和程序,在确定的时间内暂停服务.

A person ordered to leave or suspended from RTD property will not be entitled to any refund of unused fare media that may expire during the time of the person’s exclusion.


除本守则规定的任何其他执行外, riding an RTD vehicle without evidence that the proper fare has been paid may be treated in accordance with Colorado Traffic Code, C.R.S. § 42-4- 1416.

除本守则规定的任何其他执行外, 非法活动可能导致任何适用的联邦传票, 状态, 或者当地法律, 监管, 或条例, 包括C.R.S. §18-9-114 -阻碍运输(二级轻罪).R.S. §18-9-115 -危害公共交通和公用设施传输(三级重罪).

本行为准则不寻求限制, 取代, 或与任何联邦政府发生冲突, 状态, 或者当地法律, 监管, 或条例 and does not limit or prevent any law enforcement 年龄ncy or entity from taking any lawful action against any person in or on any RTD vehicle, 设施, 或财产.