
RTD提供有竞争力的福利和薪水,并提供舒适的工作环境, 支持员工个人发展的专业工作环境. Our employees have the opportunity to make a positive impact in the community by providing for the present and future public-transit needs of the Denver/Boulder metro area. RTD在丹佛/博尔德都会区有几个设施. 在这些设施中,我们的目标是提供一个安全,家庭友好和多样化的工作场所.

Flextime scheduling is available in some non-shift RTD positions to accommodate employees' personal needs and preferences. With supervisor approval, employees may vary their starting and ending times as long as they work a full eight-hour day that encompasses the core hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

该项目为RTD员工及其家属提供免费、一对一、保密的咨询服务. 专业咨询师可以帮助解决家庭问题, marital conflict, emotional concerns, alcohol/drug problems, 以及法律/财务问题.

Each year, RTD赞助“带我们的孩子去上班日”,让孩子们有机会了解公共交通行业的职业. Children participate in tours and learning activities that lead to a better grasp of the world of work and the skills required to be employed.

Twice a year, RTD提供了一个为期两天的强化课程,帮助员工为即将到来的退休做准备. 这些研讨会讨论预算等主题, taxation, insurance, investments, Social Security, wills, and more.

RTD员工的工作有很多机会得到认可和奖励. Our recognition programs include Outstanding Achievement Awards (for outstanding performance above and beyond the normal expectation) and General Manager's Awards (in recognition of exceptional work throughout the year). 这些奖项每年颁发一次. 每月颁发服务年数达到里程碑的员工服务奖. In addition, RTD employees can receive Dining Dollars from their managers as special recognition for exceptional behavior or a contribution above and beyond the scope of regular duties. Finally, RTD recognizes employees who have served our country in the armed services by hosting an annual Veteran's Day luncheon in their honor.


符合条件的员工可以从凯撒永久医疗集团或信诺集团提供的四种医疗计划中进行选择. 保费由RTD和员工共同承担. 为雇员及其符合条件的家属提供保险.

RTD员工有两种牙科计划,由科罗拉多州的达美牙科公司提供. 保费由RTD和员工共同承担. 为雇员及其符合条件的家属提供保险.

RTD通过Superior提供员工愿景计划. 保费由RTD和员工共同承担. 为雇员及其符合条件的家属提供保险.

Eligible employees may make pre-tax contributions to a 医疗弹性支出帐户 to receive reimbursement for out-of-pocket medical expenses for the employee and dependent family members. 根据美国国税局的规定,未使用的供款将在计划年度结束时没收.

符合条件的雇员可向受抚养日托开支帐户作出税前供款, 每年最多供款5美元,000元(已婚人士共同报税或单身人士报税)或$2,领取13岁以下儿童的日托费用报销. 根据美国国税局的规定,未使用的供款将在计划年度结束时没收.

符合条件的雇员领取66.连续残疾30天后,每月基本收入的67%. 付款可以持续到第90天.


在此计划下,符合资格的雇员的受益人可获得1的较低者.雇员基本年收入的5倍或25万美元. 如果发生意外死亡或肢解,则提供额外的保险.

Under this plan, the beneficiary of an eligible employee who is traveling on company business (not to and from work) may receive a $50,000 death benefit.

根据这个计划,员工可以购买额外的人寿保险福利. 保费由雇员支付,取决于雇员的年龄和保险范围.

年满21岁的员工自入职之日起即成为本计划的参与者. 员工在连续工作满5年后,可获得100%的权益. RTD为本计划提供100%的捐款.

This plan, 哪个与401(k)计划相似, 允许员工通过减薪为退休储蓄. Employees have the choice to contribute all or part of their contribution on either a pre-tax or after-tax (Roth) basis. 员工从入职第一天起就有资格申请.

RTD发给每位员工一张带图片的身份证,作为免费的交通通行证. 每位员工还可以为其配偶或家属获得一张额外的过境通行证.

所有RTD员工都有资格使用丹佛信用社和富国银行的服务. 这两家机构都提供各种各样的账户, loan products and services, 在市区都有分支机构.

RTD是一个机会均等的雇主,并遵守所有就业法律, 包括平权行动和美国残疾人法案(ADA). RTD参与了联邦和/或州法律要求的几个项目,包括:

  • Family Medical Leave
  • 社会保障和医疗保险
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Unemployment Insurance.



Pay at RTD will:

  • 由市场数据(外部)和点因子分析(内部)决定的薪酬范围组成. RTD的目标是设定反映每个职位市场价值的薪酬范围, 吸引并留住合适的人才加入研发, 并认可和奖励结果.
  • 对外劳务市场既要公开竞争 & private. Our competitors in the marketplace are other transit agencies and Denver-metro employers with similar business functions that can be identified as our direct competitors for labor. We consider all the ways we compensate employees so that “total compensation” (base pay plus benefits) is competitive at similar performance levels.
  • Reward results. 个人的薪酬决定是基于个人的业绩和他们目前的工资范围.
  • Be affordable. 地区董事会批准一项年度预算以资助雇员补偿.

Our goal is to insure that all RTD employees be equitably compensated for assigned duties and responsibilities without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, marital status, or sensory, 身体或精神残疾, veteran status, 性取向或任何其他基于当地禁止的歧视, state and federal law.

This salary administration program is applicable to all 区域运输区 (RTD) non-represented employees. All RTD employees covered by this program may have access to their salary range and job description; however, 有关员工薪酬信息的请求应提交给总奖励经理. RTD保留随时更改或修改本薪酬管理方案的权利.

带薪休假(PTO)为员工提供带薪休假的时间, personal time, 个人生病或请假照顾家属. PTO必须提前安排并获得监管部门的批准, 除非有疾病或紧急情况. 适用于2012年1月1日后入职的员工,以及转为PTO的在职员工, PTO政策取代了以前的病假和休假计划.

PTO每两周获得一次,每月两次存入员工的PTO银行. 获得专利商标权的资格取决于雇员在支付期间工作或使用专利商标权. PTO不是在无薪休假或支付短期或长期残疾福利的带薪期间获得的. 专利商标权不是由临时雇员或合同雇员获得的.

Years of Service Days per Year Hours per Month Annual Accrual
0 to 2 years 20 13.33 160
3 to 5 years 22 14.33 176
6 to 9 years 26 17.33 208
10 to 14 years 28 18.33 224
15 to 19 years 30 20.00 240
20 or more years 32 21.33 256

PTO应尽可能早地提前安排, 根据部门政策, 并获得监管部门的批准, 除非有疾病或紧急情况. 超过应计金额的专利使用费将不予支付. 如果原RTD员工在原终止之日起一年内(365天)被重新雇用, his or her PTO accrual rate will be calculated based on the total number of years of service including the previous employment period. 雇员每年1月1日最多可结转其年度应计收入的两倍.

对于连续三天以上请病假的员工,可以使用延长病假银行. 一旦三天过去了, with a doctor’s note, 然后,员工将开始使用他们的延长疾病银行(EIB)的时间。. 一旦欧洲投资银行已经用尽,缺席将再次被计算为专利商标权. 欧洲投资银行的最高累计为520小时,欧洲投资银行在终止时不支付.

工作人员因病缺勤连续三天以上的, 在工作人员重返工作岗位之前,可能需要医生的许可. This certificate should be submitted to the staff member’s supervisor and then forwarded to the Human Resources department.

Days per Year Hours per Month Annual Accrual
4 days 2.66 hours 32 hours

这是我们的政策的一部分,我们提供休假时间与家人和朋友在一起, RTD提供以下带薪假期:元旦, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and 3 floating holidays (1 to 10 years of service = 3 floating holidays per year (if hired by June 30th) and 10+ years of service = 4 floating holidays per year).

因为在困难时期和家人在一起是很重要的, RTD为员工提供最多三天的带薪丧假. 直系亲属死亡的,可以休丧假, 或者是雇员的直系亲属, 或者是和雇员住在一起的个人.

Professional Development

RTD offers a tuition reimbursement program for employees who wish to improve their professional skills through continuing education. 员工可以将这笔资金用于课程学习, conferences, seminars or other development activities that improve the employee's skills or enhance his/her future contributions to RTD.

Employees can attend conferences and receive training specific to their jobs (including instruction required to maintain state licensing as prescribed by an employee's job description) through Job-Required Training. 该培训由RTD提供并/或由RTD支付费用.

RTD employees may be reimbursed fully or partially for memberships in several professional organizations that support a variety of transit- and business-related activities.

RTD’s L&OD team designs and facilitates multiple courses and provides one-on-one leadership coaching focused on developing RTD’ managers and supervisors.

RTD’s L&OD team designs and facilitates multiple courses focused on the professional and personal development of all RTD employees.

RTD’s L&OD团队在我们的计算机培训实验室提供多种课程. 课程范围从初级到高级培训跨越广泛的软件.

各种各样的服务,包括职业咨询, interviewing practice, resume assistance, 职业能力倾向评估和职业自我评估-由L提供给RTD员工&OD staff.

RTD优先考虑现有员工在RTD内的晋升. 所有空缺职位将在所有RTD地点的部门公告栏上公布,为期一周.

RTD的资源中心提供了大量关于健康的信息, behavior, 个人发展及其他. 员工可以借书, videotapes, audio cassettes, 关于时间管理等主题的杂志和手册, 自尊和最佳表现, goal setting, memory improvement, and many others.

If you are employed by a U.S. federal, state, local, 或是部落政府或非营利组织, 你可能有资格 公共服务贷款减免计划.

Personal Development

RTD's Wellness Rehabilitation program provides employees the opportunity to participate in the many wellness activities offered which encourage positive healthy lifestyle changes to improve personal health and wellness. 为员工提供教育材料, health presentations and specialized personal services that combine for a complete health and wellness approach in these areas: injury prevention, rehabilitation, stress management, fitness/rehabilitation, disease management, nutrition, health screenings, 体重管理和娱乐活动.

Once a year, RTD在每个工厂都会举办一个健康博览会,员工可以在那里获得有关营养等健康主题的信息, heart health, diabetes, vision and more. In addition, RTD健康工作人员随时为您进行健康检查, including blood pressure, cholesterol, 葡萄糖和身体成分.

RTD provides bicycles and bike helmets at each RTD facility as a fitness alternative for employee use on work breaks and lunch hours.

一个设备齐全的康复设施提供给在工作中受伤的RTD员工. Our Rehabilitation Services and Workers' Compensation Office coordinate with the physician on a prescribed therapy regimen and provides supervised physical and exercise therapy.

RTD participates in E-Verify and will provide the federal government with your Form I-9 information to confirm that you are authorized to work in the U.S. 如果E-Verify不能确认你被授权工作, this employer is required to give you written instructions and an opportunity to contact Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or Social Security Administration (SSA) so you can begin to resolve the issue before the employer can take any action against you, 包括终止你的雇佣关系. 雇主只有在你接受了工作邀请并填写了I-9表格后才能使用E-Verify. Learn more.

